1961 AMC M422A1 for Sale
- Clear Idaho title
Complete meticulous restoration utilizing a plethora of NOS parts & reproduction parts
- Pristine condition; parade/convoy ready
- 1,600 mi on restoration
- Nickel-Silicon plated cylinders rectify peeling-chrome plaguing original engines
- NOS crank/rods/cam/lifters/carb/
intake & exhaust manifolds - Re-riveted body with epoxy primer & semi-gloss PPG polyurethane paint
- Powder coated frame, rims & suspension arms
- 24V alternator conversion
- New NOS gears & bearings in transmission & transfer case
- Stronger/larger OD Spicer rear half-shafts
- Custom stainless-steel fuel tank
- Reproduction winter top
- NOS snorkel & troop seats
- Misc spares included, including alternate NOS valve covers
- Downsizing for garage space
Price: $35,000
If interested contact Mark at 916-805-9516 or email ms6peters@yahoo.com for questions.
Midwest Military does NOT own this vehicle.