Ohio Trip 2011 The rear yard of the warehouse. All to be scrapped soon. An M38 engine I found loose was procured. I got one big triwall box of parts from this warehouse. Some of them are shown here. This is the second stop on the trip. Two Willys slat grills sitting in the garage. This one is a 1942 This one is dated 12-23-41. These were both under construction and parts were scattered everywhere. Engines and other parts were in a separate shed packed into a corner. We found M-series, WC, and jeep stuff everywhere. My traveling buddy, Don loading the truck. He loves riding in the bouncy truck for 13 hours! Getting them ready to pull out and load. Ready for the long trip back. A quick stop to pick up the triwalls of parts that we got at the warehouse. Back in Minnesota ready for the unload. Sure helps having the right equipment for the job. My yard is filling up with jeeps lately. No jeeps in 3 years and now I have 7. NOS seat frames. M38 and A1 drivers side. NOS A1 windshield too! NOS exhaust header pipes. Kinda like Christmas for me. This is the best part of the job, the picking and grinning.