Spring 2008 Trip NOS T90 transmission cases we found. Not reproductions, genuine Willys Overland production. Seals anyone? Crates and crates of Lend Lease marked seals. Unfortunately, no good application for us. Starting to load the truck. NOS brake shoes in the wood crates. NOS rear axles and a good take out M38 engine. Lots of small parts, Jeep and Dodge. Me trying to ID what it is. Lots of dust to scrape off before you can see the numbers. Leaning tower of parts. Most of the good stuff is gone. A few small trinkets still to be had though. Digging in an old barn. Not much left there either. Next was the semi trailer. My friend Jon digging up front looking for the treasure. Heater kits on the left are the M37 Arctic Power Plant units. Ones on the left are 5-Ton. My friend Don using his packing skills. He was a valuable asset on this trip. Heater kits all stacked in, boarding ladders on top. By this time, the truck weighed 26,000 lbs. These two pictures are the left and right views of the next stop. Typical surplus warehouse, leaky ceilings and lots of disarray.Some good parts were found here though. NOS Jeep flywheel ring gears, oil floats and some WWII stuff too. More parts to dig thru. Don found an interesting box of stuff. Lots of things we didn’t need too. Most of what you see is big civilian truck parts. Cylinder heads anyone? 318 Chrysler heads were everywhere. A large triwall loaded with new civilian jeep fuel pumps. Don inspecting some of the haul. NOS M38A1 upper windshield hinges. One side only though. NOS M38 and A1 wiper motors too! Need a diesel engine? This place has every size and make of diesel you could want. Differentials are the other specialty. Racks and racks of them hanging around. New and used abound. Back at the home base ready to unload. Some of the NOS jerry cans. Al and Karl stacking the jerry cans and boarding ladders Don undoing his handy work. Lots of boarding ladders. The heater kit stack starts to grow. Karl up on the stack adding to the height. Al trying to figure out how he’s getting down. There was talk of keeping him there and sending food up.These guys are a huge asset to Midwest Military. NOS M43 ambulance windshield frame. The insides of an R2 Crash Truck. This is all the rear compartment storage boxes and hardware. Some of the small parts waiting to get put away.